Training employees on anything can be an expensive process. You incur the cost of investing in necessary materials plus the time it takes away from your employees doing revenue-generating activities. In the case of cybersecurity training- the security benefits far outweigh the cost! Taking the time to train your employees on how to spot and avoid phishing scams can save you thousands in the long run when employees know how to spot expensive security blunders.

Phishing scams are getting more sophisticated, and scammers are creating new ways to appear to be valid.

They often take the form of a convincing email or seemingly innocuous link or ad on google. But once a harmful link is clicked or a suspicious download started, the phishing software accesses the employee’s computer and scans for passwords, financial records, or other sensitive information. It can infect an entire company’s network in a few hours once it gains a foothold.

Take this advertisement for Amazon for example, the ad appears in the Google search results, and the advertisement shows Amazon's legitimate URL, just like in the company's typical search results.

However, by exploiting a flaw in the way Google ads displays URLs in its ads, the scammers are able to make them look identical to the real ones, and anyone who clicks on this legitimate-looking ad for Amazon in Google search results gets redirected to a Microsoft Defender tech support scam that locks up their browser.

Recent studies show that human error plays a role in a shocking 90% of data breach cases!

Smart business owners are taking a proactive approach and training their employees on cyber security do’s and don’ts. While we applaud their efforts and encourage all owners to take this step, research suggests their efforts aren’t paying off. Despite their willingness to train employees, the number of data breaches continues to increase. According to Education World, interactive activities are six times more effective when learning and remembering material than simply listening to a lesson. You can incorporate this tactic by putting employees to the test to find out whether or not they can apply what they learned.

One of the best ways to do this is to use phishing simulations. Here’s how the process works:

  1. A third party creates a realistic but fake phishing e-mail that shows identifiable signs discussed in the training. (An example could be creating an e-mail that is similar to the CEO’s requesting private information, an outside company sending a bad link, etc.)
  2. The employees are then put to the test. Will they be able to identify the threats? You can customize it to look like something relevant that your employees could potentially see and fall for.
  3. The results are collected and shared with you to develop more comprehensive training programs and help you identify which employees are your biggest risks so you can provide specific coaching.

Another great way to use phishing simulations is to send out the tests before the training. When employees see that people in the company are making mistakes, they are more likely to pay attention to the lesson. It’s not enough to just teach the information! It must be learned and implemented every day to be effective and keep your organization secure.


Looking for effective Cybersecurity Awareness Training for Your Staff?

Our team has a comprehensive program that will engage, teach and test your employees so you can have peace of mind knowing they are working to keep your company safe.

Click here to get in touch with our team and get started on your cyber security training session today!